'Taking the train is a relaxing way to travel’
Colleague Rogier Bos, assistant professor at the Freudenthal Institute, travelled by train to a meeting in Ludwigsburg. In this video, you can follow him on his journey
Rogier: "Taking the train is a very relaxed way of travelling for me. I walk to the station because I live near. Then I get in and my journey immediately begins. I open my laptop: I give feedback to people, I read articles, I call someone or I get something to eat."
'It didn't feel right to fly to a meeting about climate change'
Annechien Tabak
Annechien Tabak, junior lecturer at the Human Geography and Spatial Planning programme, travelled to Malta by train and boat last February.
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'Much of my travel time was spent usefully'
Caspar de Bok
Caspar, policy officer at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, travelled by train to a conference in Barcelona in September. Casper: "From Utrecht, I only had to change trains twice."
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Comfortable travel and work on the train
Tom McDevitt, project leader of UULabs
Last year Tom McDevitt, project leader of UULabs, was invited to give a presentation on his experience with living labs at an international conference on sustainability, organised by the Swedish Agricultural University SLU. In early October, he travelled by train to Malmö, Sweden, for this purpose.
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'On the way, I have all kinds of adventures'
Daphne Odekerken
Daphne, PhD student in artificial intelligence, cycled to a conference in Wales and took the train to a congress in the south of Italy. "I find this way of travelling so relaxing."
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